Thursday, March 24, 2011

fabric lasagna???

This cute pile of fabric was able to occupy my 4 and 2 year old for at least 20 minutes at a time yesterday (the longest snow day in history) and in my house that is really saying a lot.  
Can you guess what it is?

                                         :: I took my scrap fabric and cut it into squares

:: I sandwiched and sewed the squares together...trimming off the ugly edges

:: and voila... I had a game of memory (or concentration) for the kids to play

:: I used contrasting fabrics...making matches clear

:: here they are all snug in a drawstring bag.... and NOT all over my floor!!

I loved making these and have a ton of ideas for more sets.  I have a friend who loves doing puzzles so I thought I would  make about a hundred of very small squares for the ultimate game of memory.

I currently have a set of these at little bird selling for $8.50.  You can also contact me directly to purchase a set if you wish.  I can't wait to hear your comments about these!

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